31 January 2009

40 y.o. Forest National

Beautiful party for the 40 years of the concert hall "Forest National"

Laura the angel

Fine aerial performance yesterday from Laura Coll.
She is fantastic!


And the back. notice the life shuttle.
20 people can fit in.
When it launches, it falls 20 meters into the water,  completely dives, and (hopefully) comes up again a few dozen meters further...


The front of the Hanna

29 January 2009

Le Pain du Chatelain

Located in Brussels (Ixelles), my favorite breakfast place...
Until the decoration changed completely :-(

This was.

26 January 2009

Aye Fatuke Fatuke, je t'aimais bien tu sais...

Fatu, my funniest friend.
My most unreliable friend too...

Big church in a small street

In Brussels, in Ixelles, on rue de la paix, a small inconspicuous street, lies a small door on top of footsteps. Go through the door and...

Age of innocence...

Trying to read...

Age sucks!!!

The African Museum in Belgium...

Really Freaks me out big time!!!

I made a portrait of my sister...

And it ended up like that...

I think family therapy should seriously be considered...

Magritte against the Nikon D3

Well, IMHO, Nikon beats hands down Magritte, "une fois"...

Grown ups and PS3's...

Nothing to add about this 40y.o. child... ;-)

A Zmall Zouvenir... Jawol!

German Architecture rocks, or does it?

(Normandy beach, circa 2006)

For Philippe...

Who posivitely HATES being photographed!

He he he... ;-)

(2006 maybe...)

Contemporary Art

Doesn't always suck...

And as a friend says:
L'art contemporain c'est des trucs que n'importe qui peut faire...
Mais bon, y'a un mec qui l'a fait!

(Contemporary art is just things anybody can do...
But hell, one guy did!)

(Spring' 08)

Mi Madre

Just a few weeks before her 75th birthday...

Brussels Panorama

4-in-1 stiched 180 deg panoramic view of brussels.
It was such a nice day, no photoshop was needed!!!
Unlike Knokke... 
(circa 2005)

Knokke yourself out...

Yep, I extensively photoshoped that picture of the Belgian coast... It even looks nice now! Photoshop does miracles!
(Jan 08)

View From my Room

in winter 07...
Can't wait to see global warming :-O

Ougadougou (Burkina)

A rainy afternoon in Burkina.
(Oct '08)


happened that night... nor the others.

(Arles (France), june '08)
A lawyer leaving the "Palais de Justice".
Windy day... Check the umbrella.


In antwerp, last night, round midnight. The ship's from Nassau. The wheel from Belgium.