11 August 2009

An evening in Knokke

Laura m'a appelé pour photographier un numéro de tissus. Il etait pas mal, la soirée etait assez huppée, et une partie du publique assez charmante...

09 August 2009

circus (IV)

Pas envie de rencontrer ça dans la rue...

(Rien de tel que les ambiances naturelles)

circus (III)

Un clown romantique: Le Pic.

circus (II)

Partenaire de scène de Laura, après le maquillage (non?), avant l'habillage (si!).

Circus (I)

Laura Coll, juste avant une représentation. On se connait depuis 7 ans. Un de nos sujets de conversations préférés sont les crottes de nez. Allez comprendre...

Toujours est-il que derrière son apparence de déesse, c'est une femme d'une simplicité totale! Elle a vécu un an dans "le cirque de l'oiseau fou", dans des conditions qui n'ont rien à envier à un bon service militaire. Depuis, de crotte de nez en crotte de nez, elle arrivée au Cirque du Soleil...

Et toujours aussi simple et rigolotte.

08 August 2009

Serious George (2)

Don't screw with an ex Navy pilot...

Funny George (1)

This is probably the most serious man in Brussels, in the field of photography. George Coppers, boss of the American Color Lab.

But catch him before he gets on his Vespa, and it's another man!

Lunch alone

Eating at "Mano a mano", I couldn't help noticing the quality of the light on the table and wall next to me.

The contents of the image symbolyze loneliness. I cut the table in half, not revealing its left side. This centers the attention on the empty (lonely) chair. Furthermore, showing the other chair would have symbolized the possible presence of another person. Since the point of the picture is to represent hopeless loneliness, only a single chair could be present.

21 April 2009

"And now, for something completely different"

When I as given the chance to photograph sporting events, I jumped in the wagon without a second thought. When the sport became football, I did frown... But what the hell! Guys running after a ball, kicking each other, fighting, pretending (famous football drama), and earning loads of cash... I thought "Why not?".

So there, I found myself watching a football match for the first time in my life. Right on the field, where I can hear players swear, see them spit, and curse the referee... Cool! :-)

09 April 2009

Ghost Coast

The Belgian coast off season. Void of adults, children, pets, and life. Sometime you run into a lost soul, who barely notices you. Half sad. Half intriguing.

30 March 2009

For Dorin's Aunt

This is Malick Sidibé's collection of cameras. It includes his own cameras, broken cameras (for spare parts), and client's cameras never ever reclaimed.

On the left side of the picture, you'll certainely notice the yellow boxes nicely stacked in the shelf. These are the actual archives of Malick. 50 years (or so) worth of negatives, "cautiously" saved in simple cardbox boxes, all in open air.

Open "Bamako [Mali]" air that is... With temperatures often reaching well over 35°C and 100% humidity...
No comment, right?

On the second shelve (from the bottom), in the middle you' certainely have noticed Malick's first ever camera: his Kodak Brownie. You had spotted it, hadn't you? ;-)

21 March 2009

Mr. Balasse.

Unexpected encounter.
A time to settle old grudges.
And look at the future.

I only wish I had his ability to read the light...

18 March 2009

Duke Robillard

And while buying U2's latest single in Ostende, I couln't help noticing a little poster about Duke Robillard... He was giving a concert in the area, in a smaller than small village... that very evening!!! Talk about luck!

The concert hall was tiny. I believe there was between 50 and 100 people watching. But Mr. Robillard really plays an incredible blues!!!

He's fantastic!

A walk in Ostende...

A city on the beach.
Never so quiet,
Never so empty.
A few lost souls wander.
A fisherman's seat seems to await the buoy spectator.
Fascinating little red dot dancing alone on the blue-green sea.

04 March 2009


Innocent dreams

17 February 2009

UFO City 1

Right in the Antwerp port area, I spotted what looks like the UFO from "Close Encounters of the third Kind" ;-)


UFO City 2


UFO City 3

01 February 2009

Bruno Stevens...

reading in his head quarters ;-)

31 January 2009

40 y.o. Forest National

Beautiful party for the 40 years of the concert hall "Forest National"

Laura the angel

Fine aerial performance yesterday from Laura Coll.
She is fantastic!


And the back. notice the life shuttle.
20 people can fit in.
When it launches, it falls 20 meters into the water,  completely dives, and (hopefully) comes up again a few dozen meters further...


The front of the Hanna

29 January 2009

Le Pain du Chatelain

Located in Brussels (Ixelles), my favorite breakfast place...
Until the decoration changed completely :-(

This was.

26 January 2009

Aye Fatuke Fatuke, je t'aimais bien tu sais...

Fatu, my funniest friend.
My most unreliable friend too...

Big church in a small street

In Brussels, in Ixelles, on rue de la paix, a small inconspicuous street, lies a small door on top of footsteps. Go through the door and...

Age of innocence...

Trying to read...

Age sucks!!!

The African Museum in Belgium...

Really Freaks me out big time!!!

I made a portrait of my sister...

And it ended up like that...

I think family therapy should seriously be considered...

Magritte against the Nikon D3

Well, IMHO, Nikon beats hands down Magritte, "une fois"...

Grown ups and PS3's...

Nothing to add about this 40y.o. child... ;-)

A Zmall Zouvenir... Jawol!

German Architecture rocks, or does it?

(Normandy beach, circa 2006)

For Philippe...

Who posivitely HATES being photographed!

He he he... ;-)

(2006 maybe...)

Contemporary Art

Doesn't always suck...

And as a friend says:
L'art contemporain c'est des trucs que n'importe qui peut faire...
Mais bon, y'a un mec qui l'a fait!

(Contemporary art is just things anybody can do...
But hell, one guy did!)

(Spring' 08)

Mi Madre

Just a few weeks before her 75th birthday...

Brussels Panorama

4-in-1 stiched 180 deg panoramic view of brussels.
It was such a nice day, no photoshop was needed!!!
Unlike Knokke... 
(circa 2005)

Knokke yourself out...

Yep, I extensively photoshoped that picture of the Belgian coast... It even looks nice now! Photoshop does miracles!
(Jan 08)